
Mai Secawan

Takde benda yang selerak dalam blog aku ni. Kemas belum lagi nak serabut macam tuan empunya diri. Petang yang sendu, belum lagi hilang penat jeles tak pergi majlis David Guetta semalam. Membara masih. Duduk hirup coffee buatan sendiri (lepas kerja Starbucks, Coffee Bean) sambil dengar lagu import si Russian Red, Upset. It's been a long time to not this kind of splendid time for myself. Apa yang menarik pasal aku?

Ok, now I'm in my 2nd year being a student here. Takde rasa apa dah, neutral habis. Hanya fefeeling bila nak ke sana, tang tu sebak luluh hancur semua. Perempuan kan. Cuma aku still tak boleh nak lari daripada satu masalah kalau bukak topik about friend. No more talk, no more describe, even myself is a bullshit. I'm reducing to talk crap. Aku harap sangat kitorg ok macam mula mula sem dulu. Cz y'know, the environment is no longer "umph" and awesome with having this fucking matter. We barely talk to each other. Weh, jangan describe as if aku suka dia eh (that lessy kinda thing. NO!) , it is the matter aku taknak ada orang mengata aku belakang2 cz nobody likes. Nak kata hipokrit, aku join sekali. I hope one fine day, we able to fix this cold-not-winter-ship.

Sip the coffee.

When it comes to love thingy, we already been through think and thin for 380 days. Then there it goes the up and down. Tak berkelahi tak sah, tak tumbuk dinding tak sah, tak habis rokok bersama tak sah, apa lagi? We have been there and done that. But one thing for sure, we will get back not even for a long time. Cz my mind thought, "Tak sangap ke bergaduh lama2" Haha. As far as I observed, we remain still the sweetness yet, not the sweetness we used to have. Perkara wajib bila bersama adalah kerja gila. Siapa boleh baring bila mata memang sepet habis, out of nowhere bantai gelak macam orang stoned campur weed campur fai. Start kereta pegi kedai mamak makan mee tanpa bra. Bodoh! Haha dia juga yang aku sayang. Hei perempuan, jangan kau fed up sebab terpaksa tunggu si dara yang terlelap time study. Walau beratus kali aku buat, jangan kau undur diri, sebab si dara kau reply mesej2 kau even pukul 3 4 5 6 pagi. I sayang you. Jom minum coffee sayang?

Sip the half empty cup of coffee.

Dan yang paling penting, family matter is not always be the matter sebab aku pun tak amek tahu. Haha. Fuck me.
Even politics I don't prefer to know. Sucks much. Kad Siswa tu tah bila nak dapat tah. Haha

Drink all the coffee, I ponder.

Why the coffee is black, awful and bitter taste yet some people drink it for purpose? Nak stay up, nak nampak classy minum kat Starbucks, Dome, bla bla. Don't people ever think that they've been through bitter life before ended up to sweeter? No get it? Pfftt, it just coffee, what kind of theory is that. To sum what I've gone thru up, people always hypocrite. Bye.

Clean the coffee cup.